Dr. Zin’s Blog

Choose the Best Dentist for Dental Implants in Woodland Hills

September 29, 2022

If you are looking for a Dentist in Woodland Hills to perform dental implants, it is important that you choose the right one. While many dentists offer this service, they may not be able provide the same level of competence and quality care that you need.

So, what should you be looking for in a dentist who offers dental implants in Woodland Hills?

#1 - Dentist Certification

Dental school alone does not make a dentist qualified to place implants. Remember, it's a minor surgery. They need to have completed a rigorous post-graduate implant program and stay current with the latest research and techniques.

Make sure that they have undergone a good residency program and are a part of professional organizations that certify dental implants.

#2 - Experience

While a dentist may be certified, that doesn't mean they have experience. You want to look for a dentist in Woodland Hills who has successfully placed a good number of dental implants.

#3 - Team of Specialists

A dentist who works with a team of specialists (oral surgeon, periodontist, etc.) is more likely to provide you with a successful outcome. Dental implants are also installed under local anesthesia, so having a licensed anesthesiologist on staff is also important.

When a dentist applies this team approach, it ensures that there is a specialist focused on every area of expertise, which leads to a higher success rate for the overall procedure.

#4 - Modern Technology

Implants have come a long way in recent years and the technology has improved significantly. Make sure your dentist is using the latest equipment and techniques.

For example, they should be using computer-guided implant placement, which leads to fewer complications and a quicker overall treatment time. Dental equipment such as X-ray machines and CT scanners have also become much more advanced, so be sure that your dentist has access to these.

#5 - Restorative Plan

Your dentist should create a restorative plan that is specific to you and your needs. This plan will take into account the number of implants being placed, the location of the implants, and the type of dental restoration that will be used.

The dentist should also take a detailed medical history to ensure that there are no underlying health conditions that could complicate the procedure.

#6 - Reviews & Documentations

Finally, be sure to read reviews from previous patients who got dental implants in Woodland Hills and ask to see before-and-after photos of dental implants that the dentist has placed. You should also ask for copies of any relevant medical documentation, such as the dentist's training certificates and certification from professional organizations.

Best Dentist for Dental Implants in Woodland Hills

Dental Implants in Woodland Hills

Getting dental implants in Woodland Hills is an important decision. Be sure to choose a dentist who is certified, experienced, and uses modern technology.

At Diamond Dental Spa, our dentist Dr. Zin Kohan provides dental implant procedures with precision and care. He creates a 3D map of the patient's mouth and facial structure using the latest technology to provide restorative dental solutions.

Dr. Zin holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology from UCLA. He then pursued his dentistry and graduated dental school from the prestigious University of Southern California Ostrow School of Dentistry. After four amazing years at USC, Dr. Zin went on to work as an associate dentist while being mentored by some of the most renowned dentists in Los Angeles, CA.

At Diamond Dental Spa, you'll receive the highest value that our dentist in Woodland Hills can offer in modern implant dentistry. That will lead to years of natural function and a smile you will be proud to show. Contact us today to book a consultation!