What To Expect At Your First Visit

We know that first visits to any doctor’s office can be intimidating. Not only is your physical comfort important to us, but your emotional well-being is, too.

Here is what you can expect during your initial visit to Diamond Dental Spa.

As a new patient of Diamond Dental Spa, you will be greeted by our lovely front office concierge. If you have not done so already, they will take you through the process of filling out all the necessary forms.

Dr. Zin will then accompany you to his consultation room, where you will discuss any concerns and to get to know each other. After your brief consultation, an assistant will take you to the x-ray room for any images, if necessary.

After your imaging, you will be taken to one of our treatment rooms, where Dr. Zin will discuss any findings. You will be offered a warm towel, headphones, water, coffee, protective glasses, and the remote for the smart TV.

Unless we notice signs of periodontal disease, every patient will receive a basic cleaning during this visit. If we do see signs of periodontal disease, we will stop to educate you about what scaling and root planing is and why it is a beneficial treatment.

After your cleaning, and with your permission, Dr. Zin will recline your chair and complete a full oral exam and take an intraoral scan of your mouth.

Once the visual exam is complete, you will be brought back to an upright position, and a treatment plan will be discussed in detail.