Invisalign First - Children Ages 6-7
Invisalign® First is a transitional system that can help children requiring Early Treatment or Phase 1 orthodontic care. They include all the durability of adult Invisalign®, including the patented SmartTrack material. Depending on your child's growth pattern, they may include spacers to allow erupting adult teeth. The Blue Dot monitoring system is optional and will enable parents to help their children wear the trays long enough each day.
Children at age six and seven can use Invisalign® First. Most of a child's deciduous (baby) teeth have dropped away at that stage, and many of their adult teeth are in or preparing to erupt. Using X-rays and digital imaging, the doctor can predict adult teeth growth. Using Invisalign First during this phase will ensure enough room in the jaw for the new adult teeth.
Invisalign Teen
Invisalign® Teen includes all the great features of adult Invisalign®. It also has an optional Blue Dot monitoring system. The simple addition of a color-changing blue dot on each aligner tray allows parents to quickly see if their teen is wearing the trays long enough each day. If the teen is wearing the trays properly, the dot fades. If they are not wearing them enough, the dot remains visible.
The aligner system is a perfect alternative to braces for an active teen. The nearly invisible trays will allow your teen to gradually straighten their smile while avoiding braces' standard brackets and wires. Straight teeth can boost self-esteem and confidence.
Invisalign for Adults:
Invisalign for Adults is a great option for professionals who don’t want to walk around with metal braces at this stage of their life. The treatment options for an adult will vary based on your initial scan and diagnose at your Free Consultation. Invisalign for Adults has been one of the most effective and popular methods to treat alignment and confident issues related to a smile.
Invisalign Express:
Invisalign Express is an expedited clear aligner treatment for milder cases of dental misalignment. It uses fewer sets of aligners to correct the case in a shorter time frame – but it only works if the case is on the milder side. It offers the same comprehensive treatment with effective results as a full Invisalign program, just faster! Invisalign Express uses a maximum of 10 sets of aligners (some may require fewer), and the treatment takes about 6 months.