Woodland Hills Family Dentistry

When you step into Diamond Dental Spa in Woodland Hills, CA, you'll know you've found the perfect place for your family's care.

Our team loves helping kids grow into healthy adults. Dr. Zin Kohan knows that early experiences influence the value children place on their oral health as adults. One negative experience can affect a child’s outlook on dentistry for the rest of their life. You can be sure your child will have a great experience at Diamond Dental Spa.

The services offered at Diamond Dental Spa ensure that patients of all ages feel welcome. From the earliest check-ups to orthodontic evaluations, our dentist listens to your concerns and guide you through every stage.

Family Dentistry Services in Woodland Hills

Dr. Zin Kohan believes that a trip to the dentist should be fun, lighthearted, and not something to fear. The way your child is exposed to dentistry lays the groundwork for how they view dental care and dental visits for the rest of their lives.

Dr. Zin Kohan and his team love caring for their patients, and work hard to make sure each child is spoken to gently, treated with respect, and cared for as if they were our own child. We use simple words to explain procedures to our patients and make sure each parent or guardian is aware of the process as well.

Our Family Dental Services:

Studies have shown that the earlier a child receives their first dental exam, the less dental treatment was needed during their youth. We recommend oral exams for children when their first tooth erupts. Dr. Zin Kohan will review proper diet, age-appropriate hygiene, and go over pacifier use to make sure your child’s oral health starts strong and stays strong.

Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa for your infant today. Book Online Here!

Routine cleanings and exams are necessary to make sure your child’s teeth stay healthy throughout childhood. Our doctor recommends two cleanings a year to maintain optimal oral health. During a checkup, will your kid's dentist hygienist will clean their teeth and, if necessary, take x-rays and give your child a fluoride treatment. The dentist will perform an exam and review if any treatment is needed.

Schedule a cleaning at Diamond Dental Spa for your child today. Book Online Here!

Regular fluoride treatments help reduce your child’s risk of developing cavities and can remineralize areas where decay is starting. Topical fluoride treatments help keep your child’s teeth cavity-free between visits by strengthening the enamel. Dr. Zin Kohan and his hygiene team are happy to answer all your questions about fluoride treatments and treatment options.

Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa to see if Fluoride Treatment is a good fit for your child. Book Online Here!

Research has shown that sealants can reduce a child’s risk of decay in treated teeth by up to 80%. Dental sealants help protect your child’s teeth from decay by filling in the grooved biting surfaces of your child’s teeth, making them easier to clean. This creates a smooth, hard surface that prevents food from settling in the grooves of your child’s back teeth.

Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa to see if Dental Sealants are a good fit for your child. Book Online Here!

Root canals on baby teeth can relieve a child’s pain and preserve a tooth until it’s ready to come out on its own. If a baby tooth has decay that has entered the nerve, or pulp, of the tooth, or if the tooth has suffered trauma, it may cause hot and cold sensitivity or constant pain. A baby root canal might be recommended to preserve the tooth until it is ready to come out on its own and be replaced by its permanent counterpart.

Saving a baby tooth instead of extracting it can help prevent issues with self-confidence, chewing, speech development, and bite alignment.

If your child has a broken tooth with exposed pulp, complains of hot/cold sensitivity or pain in a tooth, suffers trauma to the mouth, or if you notice a sudden change in your child’s eating habits, call Diamond Dental Spa as soon as possible.

Our doctor can help you decide if a baby root canal is right for your child. Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa for your baby to learn more. Book Online Here!

Tooth-colored fillings offer a durable, more natural looking option for your child’s restorations. Made from composite resin, they are strong, durable, and perfect for smaller teeth.

Studies have shown that almost 33% of children aged 2 to 5 have had a cavity. Even though baby teeth are only around for a few short years, it’s still important to keep them healthy because they hold the space for your child’s adult teeth. They also help develop proper speech patterns and help your child chew.

The procedure is the same for a child as it is for an adult. Depending on the size of the decayed area, a local anesthetic may be given, and if your child has any anxiety over the procedure, we have some sedation options available to make the procedure more comfortable.

After the decay is removed, a special gel is used to clean and etch the surface. Once the filling material is in place, it is light cured, polished, and adjusted to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your child’s bite. Tooth-colored filling material is much like a natural tooth in texture and is matched to your child’s tooth color.

Our doctor can help you decide if a filling is right for your child. Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa for your child to learn more. Book Online Here!

If your child needs restorative treatment in the form of a filling or crown, Dr. Zin Kohan and his team will create a custom treatment plan for your child and review all options with you before treatment begins. We believe a conservative approach to children’s dentistry is usually the best course of action.

Sometimes an area of decay is too large for a filling or the decay has compromised the whole side of a tooth, so there is not enough tooth structure to support a filling. If your child has an accident that results in a heavily damaged tooth or if your child is at high risk for developing cavities, the doctor may decide it’s best to preserve the entire remaining structure.

Our doctor can help you decide if a restorative treatment is right for your child. Schedule an exam at Diamond Dental Spa for your child to learn more. Book Online Here!

An extraction can make both children and parents anxious, but they are a common procedure in most dental offices. Sometimes a child’s tooth has too much decay to restore, or they need a tooth or teeth removed to make room for orthodontic treatment. Regardless of the reason, Dr. Zin Kohan and his team will make sure you and your child are comfortable with the treatment plan.

Whether it’s extensive decay, overcrowding or an impacted tooth, Dr. Zin Kohan can help you and your child understand the procedure and answer any questions you have. Schedule an exam for your child online to learn more. Book Online Here!

Sports mouthguards prevent dental injuries when worn during contact sports or other potentially dangerous activities. A custom-fit mouthguard can save your child’s teeth and prevent extensive dental treatment.

Ask Dr. Zin about Mouthguards at your next appointment! Book Online Here!

Come to Diamond Dental Spa for your Woodland Hills Family Dentistry Needs!

Dr. Zin Kohan believes that a trip to the dentist should be fun, lighthearted, and not something to fear. The way your child is exposed to dentistry lays the groundwork for how they view dental care and dental visits for the rest of their lives.

Dr. Zin Kohan and his team love caring for their patients, and work hard to make sure each child is spoken to gently, treated with respect, and cared for as if they were our own child. We use simple words to explain procedures to our patients and make sure each parent or guardian is aware of the process as well.

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